新刊欧米原書英語(西アジア考古) の検索結果

Proceedings & Report of the Conference ”Saving the Syrian Cultural Heritage for the Next Generation : Palmyra, a Message from Nara

Materiality of Writing in Early Mesopotamia
The Class Reunion: An Annotated Translation and Commentary on the Sumerian Dialogue Two Scribes
Stone Age of Armenia : a Guide-Book to the Stone Age Archaeology in the Republic of Armenia

Excavations at Tell Ali al-Hajj, Rumeilah : a Bronze-Iron Age Settlement on Syrian Euphrates
- 新刊
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- 古書
- 2点
- 3,300 円~
In the light of Amarna : 100 years of the find of Nefertiti
In the light of Amarna : 100 years of the find of Nefertiti
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 7,700 円
The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy
The Oxford Handbook of the State in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean
Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East

The Fall of the Western Roman Empire: An Archaeological and Historical Perspective
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 1,650 円
The Lives of Sumerian Sculpture: An Archaeology of the Early Dynastic Temple
The Lives of Sumerian Sculpture: An Archaeology of the Early Dynastic Temple
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 5,720 円
A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East ※2冊セット

Writing Science Before the Greeks : A Naturalistic Analysis of the Babylonian Astronomical Treatise MUL.APIN
- シリーズ:
- Culture and history of the ancient Near East
- 著者:
- by Rita Watson and Wayne Horowitz
- 発行元:
- Brill
- 出版年:
- 2011/01
- 新刊
- 在庫なし

Rome & The Sword: How Warriors & Weapons Shaped Roman History
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 2,750 円
Witnesses to a World Crisis: Historians and Histories of the Middle East in the Seventh Century

Opening the Tablet Box : Near Eastern Studies in honor of Benjamin R. Foster
- シリーズ:
- Culture and history of the ancient Near East
- 著者:
- edited by Sarah C. Melville and Alice L. Slotsky
- 発行元:
- Brill
- 出版年:
- 2010/01
- 新刊
- 在庫なし

On Art in the Ancient Near East Volume II: From the Third Millennium B.C.E.
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 11,440 円

On Art in the Ancient Near East Volume I: Of the First Millennium B.C.E.
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 12,320 円
Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond
Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond
- シリーズ:
- Oriental Institute Museum Publications
- 著者:
- Christopher Woods
- 出版年:
- 2010
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 3,520 円

Iraq Vol.71 2009
Iraq Vol.71 2009
- シリーズ:
- Iraq
- 著者:
- British Institute for the Study of Iraq
- 出版年:
- 2009
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 2,200 円
Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-reformation
Civilizations of Ancient Iraq
Greek Art and the Orient
Greek Art and the Orient
- 新刊
- 在庫なし
- 古書
- 1点
- 3,520 円